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FindBySql in yii returns null value

I am new to yii. I am facing a proble with findBySql Method. While i am trying to get a record through passing Mysql query and parameter, it returns me a null value.

Here my code looks like this.. In Model i have defined a function getCountry() to get the country name.

class StateMaster extends CActiveRecord
    public function tableName()
        return 'T_State_Master';

    public function getCountry($c_id)
        //return array(StateMaster::model()->findBySql("select C_Name from T_Country_Master where C_Id=:CountryId;",array(':CountryId'=>$c_id)));       
        $result = array(StateMaster::model()->findBysql("select C_Name from T_Country_Master where C_Id={$c_id}"));
        return $result;
     * Returns the static model of the specified AR class.
     * Please note that you should have this exact method in all your CActiveRecord descendants!
     * @param string $className active record class name.
     * @return StateMaster the static model class
    public static function model($className=__CLASS__)
        return parent::model($className);

Then in my view file trying to get the country name by providing the Country Id to it.

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.CDetailView', array(
        'label'=>'State Name',      
        'label'=>'Country Name',        
        'label'=>'Created Date',        
        'value'=>Yii::app()->dateFormatter->format("dd-MMM-yyyy", $model->CreatedDt),           
        'label'=>'Created By',      
)); ?>

whether i wonder why is it not giving me the result. I have checked the parameter passed into it and its successfully passing. Please give me solution. Thanks in advance

change your function to this:

public function getCountry($c_id)
    $query = "select C_Name from T_Country_Master where C_Id={$c_id}";
    //return Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryAll(); // returns an array, so in your detail view, you must handle it first
    return Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryScalar();

Try this way, but if i were you, i will use first one.

public function getCountry($c_id)
    $query = "select C_Name from T_Country_Master where C_Id={$c_id}";
    return Yii::app()->db->createCommand($query)->queryScalar();


public function getCountry($c_id)
        $criteria = new CDbCriteria;  
        $criteria->addCondition('C_Id = $c_id');
        $result = StateMaster::model()->find($criteria);
        return $result;

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