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alfresco web services cmisWS soap createdocument

Can someone help me out how I would go on about create documents to repository using soap createDocument.

I have a custom content model and and when I add a new document does not have the properties of the content model.

<ns:properties>   <ns1:propertyId
      <ns1:value>cms:customModel</ns1:value>   </ns:properties>

Also I am looking to upload multiple attachments at time but right now I can't

           <!-- Optional:-->
            <ns:stream><xsl:copy-of select="//someelement"></xsl:copy-of></ns:stream>


any help on how I can get this working is greatly appreciated.

You should use OpenCMIS or a similar CMIS library instead of writing to the WS binding directly.

You appear to be attempting to set two values for cmis:objectTypeId. If you are trying to create an instance of cms:customModel, that should be the only value.

You aren't setting any custom property values in the snippets you provided.

To my knowledge, there is nothing in the spec allows you to provide multiple attachments simultaneously. You should get a single upload working first.

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