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How do I send a request with superagent that uses the same query parameter

I am trying to make a request against a php server that is constructing the url like this:


How do I use superagent to pass the same query with multiple values?

I've tried this:


But I'm not sure it is actually sending all three 'q' values. What am I supposed to do to make sure they all get sent?

You definitely will not see all three q values when you pass the query in the manner you are trying, because you are making a JavaScript object there and yes, there will only be one q value:

$ node
> {q:'help',q:'moreHelp',q:'evenMoreHelp'}
{ q: 'evenMoreHelp' }

Superagent allows query strings, as in this example straight from the docs :



So if you pass the string 'q=help&q=moreHelp&q=evenMoreHelp' you should be okay. Something like:


If this is too ugly, you can try (WARNING: I have not tried this):

 .query({ q: 'help' })
 .query({ q: 'moreHelp' })
 .query({ q: 'evenMoreHelp' })

As of Superagent 1.5.0 you can pass an array as a property of the query object and it will generate multiple query parameters of the same name:

req.get('website.com').query({foo: ['bar1', 'bar2']})

results in website.com?foo=bar1&foo=bar2

As a side note, if you want Rails parameter[]=value syntax then the following works for me:

req.get('website.com').query({'foo[]': ['bar1', 'bar2']})

I can confirm that passing the parameters as an array into the query works great, like so:

query: {
      orderStatuses: ['FOO', 'BAR', 'OTHER'],

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