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Play mp3 file in the resource with QMediaPlayer

I try to play mp3 files declared in the resource, but it show:

Btn clicked
current media: "qrc://sound/sound/FarAway.mp3"
Error :  QMediaPlayer::FormatError
Media state :  QMediaPlayer::InvalidMedia

Here's how I set media:

player = new QMediaPlayer(this);
qDebug() << "current media: " << player->currentMedia().canonicalUrl().toString();

connect(player, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)), SLOT(handleStateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State)));
connect(player, SIGNAL(mediaStatusChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus)), SLOT(handleMediaStateChanged(QMediaPlayer::MediaStatus)));
connect(player, SIGNAL(error(QMediaPlayer::Error)), SLOT(handleError(QMediaPlayer::Error)));

According to this post it said QMediaPlayer need to be called play() after the callback of mediaStatusChanged() , which is what I've done exactly. So what's the problem???

PS I could play the mp3 file from the QMediaPlayer Example as local file.

UPDATE 1: I can play the mp3 file as local file...

Your problem is now no longer a problem, you can play a Qt resource in the QMediaPlayer. Answer found here , and I'm confirming it here in case people are looking.

This code works for me when testing in my local project.


You should play a file from disk; not a Qt resource. Since the resources are not supported yet. You can copy the file from resource to your hard drive on the fly and then play it :

QFile::copy(":/files/FarAway.mp3" , "/some/path/FarAway.mp3");

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