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Swift, SpriteKit and multidimensional arrays with CGPoint

I get an error when using a multidimensional array with CGPoint in a property at a SKSpriteNode derived class. Only under these circumstances.

Error is:

EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP,subcode=0x0)

  • I tried with double → worked
  • I tried with CGPoint as a variable inside the function → worked
  • I tried the failing code with a class not derived from SKSpriteNode → worked

Xcode 6.0 beta 2

Any ideas?

Here is my test code:

import SpriteKit

class TestSprite: SKSpriteNode {

    var myOuterArray = Array<Array<CGPoint>>()
    var myOuterDoubleArray = Array<Array<Double>>()

    init()  {
        super.init(texture:nil, color:UIColor.clearColor(), size: CGSizeZero)

    // breaks
    func testWithOuterArray(){
        myOuterArray.append(Array(count:1, repeatedValue:CGPoint())) // << ERROR!
        println("myOuterArray.count : \(myOuterArray.count)")

    // works
    func testWithOuterDoubleArray(){
        myOuterDoubleArray.append(Array(count:1, repeatedValue:Double()))
        println("myOuterDoubleArray.count : \(myOuterDoubleArray.count)")

    // works
    func testWithInnerArray(){
        var myInnerArray = Array<Array<CGPoint>>()
        myInnerArray.append(Array(count:1, repeatedValue:CGPoint()))
        println("myInnerArray.count : \(myInnerArray.count)")

It's fixed in a later release of Xcode. Problem doesn't occur any more.

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