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AutoHotkey - Command Prompt Issues

so I have recently been using AutoHotkey and I am a fan as of now but I am running into a couple of issues. I usually compile and run my Java programs from the command terminal in Windows 7. The paths for the compiler ( javac ) and to run the program ( java ) are set properly and run when I open command prompt without using AutoHotkey. But, as soon as I run an AHK script that opens up the command terminal from the same location and try and use the java command I get the following message

Error: could not open 'C:\\Program Files(x86)\\Java\\jre7\\lib\\i386\\jvm.config'

I understand that it would not be able to find this location considering I am running Java 1.8.5_05 but I do not know why the path is not working properly. The stranger part is that when I open a command prompt with AutoHotKey javac IS still recognized and running the correct version.

My question is this. Why am I able to successfully compile and run java programs when opening up the terminal when I click the cmd.exe icon but am UNABLE to run java programs when the terminal is opened via a simple AutoHotKey script?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Note: My systems path variable and user path variable are correctly set to JAVA_HOME which points to the 1.8.5_05 version

Perhaps you can try running cmd with the /c flag.

For example running this line of code...

run, cmd /c ping google.com

...will open a command prompt, ping google.com, then close the command prompt.

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