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How to grab .// with regex python?

Why does this not work? In the regex finder, it matches. I'm trying to grab .// in strings

pat = '[\.\/]+(?!(docx|doc|pdf))'
bad = re.compile(pat)

print tails[1]
".//2005 Neuropathophys.doc"

This pattern seems to work on the regex matcher website http://regex101.com/


Your regex would be the below to match .// which is not followed by docx or doc or pdf ,



In this case I think you don't need \\ in the [] . I think \\ is used just as escape character. But you don't need to use \\ in [] in Python regex. Because characters are automatically escaped in the [] .

So use regexp [./]+ instead of [\\.\\/]+ .


>>> import re
>>> s = ".//2005 Neuropathophys.doc"
>>> re.match("[./]+", s).group()

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