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AJAX to call a partial view

My legacy project in Web Forms would show a panel when the user clicks on a button. My current project is to rebuild this functionality in C# MVC.

This view will use Javascript and AJAX to show a partial view on demand. The code flows properly in the debugger, but does not call the partial view.

I have used SOF posts to set up the JS so that the div containing the partial view is properly shown. What am I missing in the AJAX or elsewhere? (Maybe I need to decorate the target action? Maybe I need to do something in the partial view?)

The relevant portion of the view:

<script type="text/javascript">

//Show the Add Project section.
function NewProject() {
    //1. Reset the Add Project partial view.
    //2. Show the Add Project partial view.
    //3. Put focus into the project title field.
    //4. Hide the button.
        url: "/Organization/AddProject/"
    }).done(function () {


<div id="divAddProject">
    @* Button to add a project, showing/hiding a partial view *@
    <button type="button" name="btnAddProject" id="btnAddProject" value="Add" onclick="NewProject()" class="btn">
        <span class="wizard-step-text">Add New Project</span>
<div id="divNewProject" hidden="hidden">
    This is a test. It should start out hidden and later be shown.

you can do it like this:

function NewProject() {

        url: '@Url.Action("AddProject","Organization")',
        success : function(data)




The function inside done should have "data" as parameter.

    url: "/Organization/AddProject/"
}).done(function (data) {

As you debug, set a breakpoint inside the done function. It should hit, and you'll see that you haven't defined the data variable.

It should be:

}).done(function(data) {
    // Do something with data

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