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Online version of scikit-learn's TfidfVectorizer

I'm looking to use scikit-learn's HashingVectorizer because it's a great fit for online learning problems (new tokens in text are guaranteed to map to a "bucket"). Unfortunately the implementation included in scikit-learn doesn't seem to include support for tf-idf features. Is passing the vectorizer output through a TfidfTransformer the only way to make online updates work with tf-idf features, or is there a more elegant solution out there?

Intrinsically you can not use TF IDF in an online fashion, as the IDF of all past features will change with every new document - which would mean re-visiting and re-training on all the previous documents, which would no-longer be online.

There may be some approximations, but you would have to implement them yourself.

You can do "online" TF-IDF, contrary to what was said in the accepted answer.

In fact, every search engine (eg Lucene) does.

What does not work if assuming you have TF-IDF vectors in memory.

Search engines such as lucene naturally avoid keeping all data in memory. Instead they load one column at a time (which due to sparsity is not a lot). IDF arises trivially from the length of the inverted list.

The point is, you don't transform your data into TF-IDF, and then do standard cosine similarity.

Instead, you use the current IDF weights when computing similarities, using a weighted cosine similarity (often modified with additional weighting, boosting terms, penalizing terms, etc.)

This approach will work essentially with any algorithm that allows attribute weighting at evaluation time . Many algorithms will do, but very few implementations are flexible enough, unfortunately. Most expect you to multiply the weights into your data matrix before training, unfortunately.

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