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SVG pattern not repeating

I'm playing around with SVGs and was working off of this example. However, in my jsbin the pattern isn't repeating for my <rect> elements.
And when I change the height and width attributes (no I'm not changing the x , y attributes) the rect svg objects just disappear when I enter in large values.
I'm just dipping my toe into SVGs so my knowledge is quite limited. I figure it is something simple but am not seeing what I'm doing incorrectly when I compare to what I'm doing to the grid2.svg that I'm going off of.

You've written this...

<pattern id="OvalPattern2" patternUnits="objectBoundingBox" width="70" height="70" >

With objectBoundingBox units 1 is the size of the shape using it. So your pattern is 70 times the size of the object using it. I suspect you want .7 as the width/height.

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