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How to pass value of textbox to a method in controller?

In Angularjs, I'm trying to pass a value from a textbox to method written in controller as below

#Try 1

<input type="text" ng-blur="isExists(this.value)">

and within my controller I have

 $scope.isExists = function (theValue) {

It is not working.

#Try 2

<input type="text" ng-model="username" ng-blur="isExists()">

and within controller

$scope.isExists = function () {
        alert($scope.username); // returns undefined

How to pass value from ng-blur to a method within a Controller?


Any reason why the value is not seen in the textbox?

<input type="text" ng-model="username" ng-blur="isExists()">


Try2 should not return undefined if the <input type="text"

is filled with at least one character.

You can append {{ username }} on the html page just for debug purporses to make sure it was well binded.

<input type="text" name="userId" id="txtid" />

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

        $('#txtid').blur(function () {
            var id = $('#txtid').val();

            window.location = "/Home/CreateSupplier/?userid=" + id;


In controller

 public ActionResult CreateSupplier(string userid)
            if (userid != null)
                return Content("Received Username:" + userid);
            return View(thesupplierList);

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