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Highcharts fill in scatter plot data with 0s

I have a scatter plot as shown below (edited to show what I want). I have data over time (blue dots) but the days not containing data I would like to fill in with 0s (black dots). It does not seem that there is a function to do this in high charts docs . What would be the best way to go about filling in the data? My charts are made using JSON.

My JSON is in the format {x:value,y:value} , x being the date in milliseconds, y being the actual value.


I would prefer to do this server side in Java.


You can extend array of points this way: http://jsfiddle.net/7VNwk/4/

    var interval = 172800000, //interval between two points - two days?
        dataLength = data.length, 
        startingPoint = data[dataLength-1].x - 162 * 24 * 3600 * 1000, // half year from last point
        extendedData = [],
        i = 0;

    while(i < dataLength) {
        var actual = data[i];
        if(startingPoint < actual.x) {
            extendedData.push({x: startingPoint, y: 0});  
        } else {
        startingPoint += interval;

        xAxis: {
            type: 'datetime'   
        series: [{
            type: 'scatter',
            data: extendedData

Of course, it depends on your interval between points. As I can see from your data, it's about 2days.

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