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I'm having some issues with my scope identity retrieving a ID from an identity column

I'm having some issues with my scope identity retrieving a ID from an identity column.

This is my code:

cmd = connection.CreateCommand();
cmd.CommandText = "Insert Into oc_manufacturer (name, sort_order) Values(@name, @sort_order);SELECT CAST(scope_identity() AS int)";
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@name", sManufacturer);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sort_order", 0);
iManufacturerID = (int)cmd.ExecuteScalar();


This is inside a try catch. and it hits my catch when i step through it at the 2nd last line of code. I am still very new to using this scope identity. Usually i would create a whole new select statement with the same variables as my insert statement. But that is very long so truing to get this right. any help?

Perhaps I am wrong, but you have marked your question as MySql. In that database system, you retrieve the last inserted autoincrement value with LAST_INSERT_ID() function

cmd.CommandText = @"Insert Into oc_manufacturer (name, sort_order) 
                    Values(@name, @sort_order);
                    SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()";

Also there is no need to call ExecuteNonQuery, the call to ExecuteScalar will work on both statements but will return the value of the last SELECT

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