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Python - convert Tuple into String

I have a connection to my MySQL DB. And my program reads the Selected Objects and makes a tuple out of it (result)

a = """SELECT plates FROM plat"""
result = cursorO.fetchall()
print result

Now, I want to write the content of "result" into an other db. I try this:

s = result

cursorM.execute("""UPDATE `anpr_localhost`.`plat` SET
`Plat` = %s
WHERE `ID` = 1;""", (s))


This is simply not working, because result is a tuple and not a string. I already tried

result.join(map(str, result), '.')

And different variations of this, but my Consule always tells me that tuple object has no function "join" and things like that.

How can I convert my tuple (result) to a normal string ?

Just join after you have mapped ".".join(map(str, result))

result =(1,2,3,4,)

print ".".join(map(str, result))

Or if a list of tuples:

" ".join(".".join(map(str, s)) for s in result)

If the result is a list of tuples, you can try to do the following:

results = [".".join(map(str,r)) for r in result]
print ".".join(results)

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