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In Java, convert the dot to comma in DecimalFormat replace method

public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        if( editText != null)
            if(editText.getText().length() > 0){
                    String TL = null;
                    DecimalFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("#,###");
                    String ss = "";
                        ss = editText.getText().toString();
                        ss = ss.replace(".", "");
                        ss = ss.replace(",", "");
                        Long number = Long.parseLong(ss);
                        ss = formatter.format(number);
                    }catch(Exception e){
                        ss = e.toString();



when the user enter the value like 50000 answer is 50.000 in editText. But, I dont want to dot. I want to comma like 50,000. How can I do it ?

See javadoc


Or more dangerous, as global


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