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How to map JSON property names to our own variable names during serialization?

I am trying to serialize my below JSON to a DataMetrics class -

String json = "[{\"min\": 0,\"max\": 1209,\"avg\": 1.9203402,\"count\": 7344636,\"sumSq\": 71832774,  \"stddev\": 2.4683187, \"median\": 2,\"percentileMap\": {\"95\": 4},\"metricName\": \"TransactionDuration\",\"dimensions\": {\"env\": \"dev\",\"pool\": \"titan\",\"Name\": \"Client::Sync\", \"Type\": \"Client::Sync\"},\"value\": 14104200}]";

Generally, for nested objects like dimensions you'll declare another POJO for it

class DataMetrics {

private String metricName;
private Map<String, Integer> percentileMap;
private String median;
private String stddev;
private String sumSq;
private String count;
private String avg;
private String max;
private String min;

  private Dimensions dimensions;

  private class Dimensions{
    private String env;
    private String pool;
    private String Name;

And below is the code I have which works fine -

public void test() {
    String json = "[{\"min\": 0,\"max\": 1209,\"avg\": 1.9203402,\"count\": 7344636,\"sumSq\": 71832774,  \"stddev\": 2.4683187, \"median\": 2,\"percentileMap\": {\"95\": 4},\"metricName\": \"TransactionDuration\",\"dimensions\": {\"env\": \"dev\",\"pool\": \"titan\",\"Name\": \"Client::Sync\", \"Type\": \"Client::Sync\"},\"value\": 14104200}]";

    final Gson gson = new Gson();
    final Type type = new TypeToken<List<DataMetrics>>() {}.getType();
    final List<DataMetrics> records = gson.fromJson(json, type);

Here member variable names is matching the JSON property name exactly as it is.

  • stdDev => stddev
  • name => Name
  • percentile => percentileMap

Now Is there any way, I can have my own variable names and map the JSON property name to those names, if possible? I don't want to keep Name as a variable name in my Dimensions class.

Use SerializedName annotation:

import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;

class DataMetrics {


    private Dimensions dimensions;

    private class Dimensions{
        private String env;
        private String pool;
        private String nameYouWant;

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