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I have a JSON response like this, and I'm having trouble access the value for some reason

JSON response:

{ "success" : "false" }

Way I thought you access the data:

if (data.success[0] == "false") {
    alert("Login Successful");
else {
    alert("Login Failed");

It's going to the else condition. What am I doing wrong?

You are supposed to access an object not an array

if (data.success === false)

Your response should be

{ "success" : false }

otherwise you will need to compare to a string:

if (data.success === "false")

data.success is a string and not an array, so you do not need the [0] .

For your current JSON response, the if statement should read:

if(data.success === 'false') {

Like these guys said the object you are trying to access is not an array so you would not need the [0]

what this is doing is returning the letter at the index of [0] so if you were to log/alert data.success[0] you would get " F " because it is the first letter in the string that you are returning.

a more common practice would be to return a Boolean of false

{ "success" : false }
notice no " " marks

and then again no " " marks


if (data.success === false) {
  alert("Login Successful");
else {
  alert("Login Failed");

"false" is a string, not a boolean. You should compare data.success to "false"

if(data.success=="false") {

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