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qt, library -like project, and include <>

In Qt, I want to have a separate library-like project (not .lib, simple .cpp/.h files, but in separate project). Lets call it "library". Project which will include it call "test". To achieve this, in "library" project I create .pri file, instead of .pro. And from this moment I have the following file struct:


The containment of library.pri is the following:

SOURCES += calc.cpp     
HEADERS += calc.h 


CONFIG += console
CONFIG -= app_bundle
CONFIG -= qt


SOURCES += main.cpp

Now I want to include calc.h . But I don't want to specify relative dir, ie:

#include "../library/calc.h" , I want : #include <calc>

How to do that?

Put this into the library.pri project include file:

SOURCES += calc.cpp     
HEADERS += calc.h
INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD # this is the extension!

This addition ensures that any project file including this project include file gets the include path right for that library folder, not only "test".

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