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Send_email in django with data from a view as an HTML page

Im having a hard time with this. I have a view like this:

def verFactura(request, id_factura):
    fact = Factura.objects.get(pk = id_factura)
    cliente = Cliente.objects.get(factura = fact)
    template = 'verfacturas.html'
    iva = fact.importe_sin_iva * 0.21
    total = fact.importe_sin_iva + iva

    extra_context = dict()
    extra_context['fact'] = fact
    extra_context['cliente'] = cliente
    extra_context['iva'] = iva
    extra_context['total'] = total

    return render_to_response(template, extra_context)

that takes data from the databse and do some math and shows it on a template like this:

<div class="row">
    <div class="col-xs-12">
        <div class="box">
            <div id="">
                <p id="address">
                <p id= "numero">
                <div id="logo">
                    <img id="image" src="{% static 'img/Home/Logo-Exisoft.png' %}"                 alt="logo" />

            <div style="clear:both"></div>

            <div id="customer">
                <div id="datos">
                    <p id = "direccion">
                    <p id = "direccion">
                <table id="meta">
                        <td class="meta-head">Fecha</td>
                        <td><textarea id="date">{{fact.fecha_factura}}</textarea></td>
                        <td class="meta-head">CUIT</td>
                        <td><div class="due">{{cliente.CUIT}}</div></td>

            <table id="items">
                    <th class="tipo">Tipo de Factura</th>
                    <th class="descripcion">Descripcion</th>
                <tr class="item-row">
                    <td class="description"><textarea>{{fact.descripcion}}</textarea></td>
                    <td><span class="price">$ {{fact.importe_sin_iva}}</span></td>
             <table id="totales">
                        <td class="total-line">Subtotal</td>
                        <td class="total-value"><div id="subtotal">$ {{fact.importe_sin_iva}}</div></td>
                        <td class="total-line">Iva</td>
                        <td class="total-value"><div id="total">$ {{iva}}</div></td>
                        <td  class="total-line">Precio Pagado</td>
                        <td class="total-value"><textarea id="paid">$ {{total}}</textarea></td>

              <div id="terms"></div>        
        </div><!-- /.box-body -->
    </div><!-- /.box -->

so what this does is go to the view and renders the information for the fields and completes them, pretty simple. The thing is that when the user creates a bill (Factura in spanish) i also save the data from fields like {{iva}} and {{total}} into the database, so i have this information in two places: database and the template. OK. So what i want to do is to send an email with proper HTML (hopefully this same tables that appear in the template). Because this information is different for every bill (Factura) i can´t send and email with static information, it has to show the information of each of the bills.

So how can i do this?. Take the info from the database and change the value that appears between the tags to show the correct information for each bill.

Thank you in advance. I would really appreciate the help or any idea that points me in the right direction. Thank you

You can use the built-in django send_mail method. You'll see how to send HTML emails as well.

The better solution is to use django_templated_email app which uses the normal django templates to allow you to compose rich HTML emails that it will send out.

It has a very simple API:

from templated_email import send_templated_mail
        # Optional:
        # cc=['cc@example.com'],
        # bcc=['bcc@example.com'],
        # headers={'My-Custom-Header':'Custom Value'},
        # template_prefix="my_emails/",
        # template_suffix="email",

To use it in your view, follow these steps:

  1. Install the library pip install django_templated_email .
  2. Create a templates directory in the same directory that you have views.py for your application.
  3. Inside this templates directory you created, create another directory called templated_email . Your template emails will go here.

Now, create a file in this templates/templated_email directory called receipt.email

Copy and paste the following into it:

{% block subject %}Your Receipt # {{fact.numero_De_Factura}}{% endblock %}

{% block html %}
    <tr><th>Receipt Number</th><tr><th>Client Number</th></tr>
{% endblock html %}

{% block plain %}
  Thank you. Your receipt number is: {{fact.numero_De_Factura}} and your client # is {{fact.nombre_cliente}}
{% endblock plain %}

You can adjust the HTML to your liking and even inherit from other templates. Make sure you keep the special {% block html %} and {% block subject %} as this is how the application will create your HTML email and its subject.

Finally, to send the email is the easiest part. Just a few lines in your existing view method:

from django.shortcuts import render
from templated_email import send_templated_mail

def verFactura(request, id_factura):
    fact = Factura.objects.get(pk = id_factura)
    cliente = Cliente.objects.get(factura = fact)
    template = 'verfacturas.html'
    iva = fact.importe_sin_iva * 0.21
    total = fact.importe_sin_iva + iva

    extra_context = dict()
    extra_context['fact'] = fact
    extra_context['cliente'] = cliente
    extra_context['iva'] = iva
    extra_context['total'] = total

    # Send the email

    return render(request, template, extra_context)

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