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Returning a dictionary of ndarray causes memory leaks using boost python

I am writing a c++ module for python. It takes a image, does some processing and returns a dictionary of images. I am having memory leaks which I can't figure out why..

I use opencv-ndarray-conversion to convert between cv::Mat and numpy.ndarray

I use Boost.Python to convert c++ code to python module.

I use the following python code to test the c++ module, while running htop to check the memory usage.

import cv2
import this_cpp_module

for i in xrange(100000):
    img = cv2.imread('a_640x480x3_image.png')
    ret = this_cpp_module.func(img)
    #this 'func' is mapping to one of the following c++ functions, using Boost.Python:
    #    func1, func2 or func3.

1, Converting the image does not cause memory leaks

using namespace boost::python;
PyObject * func1(PyObject *image)
    NDArrayConverter cvt;
    cv::Mat mat;
    mat = cvt.toMat(image);
    PyObject* ret = cvt.toNDArray(mat);
    return ret;

2, Constructing a dictionary and putting the image into it do not cause memory leaks

using namespace boost::python;
dict func2(PyObject *image)
    dict pyDict;    
    object objImage(handle<>(borrowed(image)));
    pyDict[std::string("key")] = objImage;    
    return pyDict;

3, But combining them causes the memory leaks (around 1MB per loop)

dict func3(PyObject *image)
    return func2(func1(image));

I cannot figure it out. Everything seems to be correct to me but combining them together just causes this problem.

The leak is a result of func3() never properly disposing the temporary owned reference returned by func1() . To resolve this, func3() needs to do one of the following:

  • Explicitly invoke Py_DECREF() on the owned reference returned from func1() before returning from func3() .
  • Manage the value returned by func1() with a boost::python::handle , as it will decrement the object's reference count when the handle is destroyed.

For example, func3() could be written as:

boost::python::dict func3(PyObject* image)
  // func1() returns an owned reference, so create a handle to keep the
  // object alive for at least as long as the handle remains alive.  The
  // handle will properly dispose of the reference.
  boost::python::handle<> handle(func1(image));
  return func2(handle.get());

For details on the original problem, when func1() returns, the returned object has a reference count of 1 . Upon returning from func2() and func3() , the object has a reference count of 2 . When the dict returned from func3() is destroyed, the object initially returned from func1() will have its reference count decremented by 1 , resulting in the leaked object having a reference count of 1 .

Here is a complete minimal example based on the original code:

#include <boost/python.hpp>

PyObject* func1(PyObject*)
  return PyList_New(0);

boost::python::dict func2(PyObject* obj)
  namespace python = boost::python;
  python::dict dict;
  python::handle<> handle(python::borrowed(obj));
  dict[std::string("key")] = python::object(handle);
  return dict;

boost::python::dict func3(PyObject* obj)
  // Fails to properly dispose of the owned reference returned by func1(),
  // resulting in a leak.
  return func2(func1(obj));

boost::python::dict func4(PyObject* obj)
  // func1() returns an owned reference, so create a handle to keep the
  // object alive for at least as long as the handle remains alive.  The
  // handle will properly dispose of the reference.
  boost::python::handle<> handle(func1(obj));
  return func2(handle.get());

  namespace python = boost::python;
  python::def("func1", &func1);
  python::def("func2", &func2);
  python::def("func3", &func3);
  python::def("func4", &func4);

Interactive usage:

>>> from sys import getrefcount
>>> import example
>>> x = example.func1(None)
>>> assert(2 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x and getrefcount
>>> d = example.func2(x)
>>> assert(3 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x, d["key"], and getrefcount
>>> d = None
>>> assert(2 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x and getrefcount
>>> d = example.func3(None)
>>> x = d["key"]
>>> assert(4 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x, d["key"], getrefcount, and one leak
>>> d = None
>>> assert(3 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x, getrefcount, and one leak
>>> d = example.func4(None)
>>> x = d["key"]
>>> assert(3 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x, d["key"], and getrefcount
>>> d = None
>>> assert(2 == getrefcount(x)) # refs: x and getrefcount

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