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Empty space appears at the top of ListView when removing Groups

My music player uses ListView in Details mode to show tracks, and ListViewGroup to group albums tracks together.

I have created event that removes all tracks in one album, when album's ListViewGroup is middle-clicked. Works fine if ListView is not scrolled down when removing tracks. If ListView is scrolled down, album will be removed, but large non-clickable empty space appears at the top of ListView, between headers and first group.

First image, 3 albums in ListView (scrolled up)


Second image, last album removed, everything's fine!


Ok, then ListView is scrolled down when removing one group of items

Third image, 3 albums in ListView (scrolled down)


Fourth image, last album removed, empty space appeared at the top, and last tracks if ListView is not showing at all!


I don't think this has anything to do with my code, but rather a bug in ListView? Anyone noticed same behavior? Is there any trick to prevent this from happening?

EDIT: added code which removes items (as user requested it)

List<ListViewItem> delItems = new List<ListViewItem>(); // creating list of items to be removed

foreach (ListViewGroup group in listView1.Groups)
    if (Convert.ToInt32(group.Tag) == groupNumber) // all groups have individual number in tag field
        foreach (ListViewItem item in group.Items)

foreach (ListViewItem item in delItems)

EDIT2: added code to check if group was clicked

Since there is no real way to handle group click, I made it ugly way. But it works. First of all, I used MouseDown event in ListView. Then I check whether there is an item where user clicks. If user clicks group, then the item is null, and for loop increases i and checks if item can be found now. When eventually item found, we know that the item belongs to the group we clicked. So we get items group tag, where I keep record of what group it is.

private void listView1_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    ListViewItem item;

    for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) // group height is not more that 25 pixels.
        item = listView1.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y + i);

        if (item != null)
            if (i > 1) // bigger than 1, because there is 1 pixel gap between listviewitems when using groups
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) removePlaylistGroup(Convert.ToInt32(item.Group.Tag));
                if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) removePlaylistItem(item.Index);

All this was happening because removing items from ListView apparently fires Form1_Layout event. In there, I use listView1.BeginUpdate() ... to resize listView1, if the form layout changes. Somehow that messes up my listView.

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