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Override X-UA-Compatible setting in web.config for specific pages and frames

I have a .Net web application that includes a web.config setting to force Internet Explorer to turn off compatibility mode and use the most recent version of IE available:

      <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=Edge" />

However, this application contains a legacy page that requires Compatibility mode. In my testing, it will only display properly when X-UA-Compatible is set to IE=5 .

Is there a way to override the web.config setting for a single page?

Among the many things I have tried that have not worked:

  • Including <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=5" /> on the page itself, as the first tag after <head>
  • Adding X-UA-Compatible:IE=5 to the response headers. Unfortunately, it also sends the X-UA-Compatible:IE=Edge header, and that one 'wins.'
  • Changing the <!DOCTYPE > . I tried all the various options.
  • Adding a comment before the DOCTYPE
  • Re-writing the page to be standards-compliant. This is obviously the best solution, but the page in question is a complex mapping application, and the re-write is going to take several months.

When I called this "a complex mapping application," I should have said "a rat's nest of frames and tables." It turns out that the frames part was relevant to the solution.

I finally got this fixed by putting this code in the Page_Load() of every page that is part of the frameset for this page (about a dozen pages in total).

Response.AddHeader("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=5");

I had been assuming that the frameset pages would inherit the setting from the main page, but apparently not. Just putting that on the main page did not work, I had to put it on every page/frame.

You could try using a location tag...

<location path="YourPage.aspx">
             <add name="X-UA-Compatible" value="IE=5" />

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