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Returning repeating number of rows in SQL

I have a table like this:

| Name    | Qty |
| Joe     | 3   |
| Bill    | 2   |
| Mike    | 4   |

I am trying to create a SELECT statement that will return this:

| Name   |
| Joe    |
| Joe    |
| Joe    |
| Bill   |
| Bill   |
| Mike   |
| Mike   |
| Mike   |
| Mike   |

Basically, whatever the Qty field is set to is how many times the Name is returned. I found a very similar question here , but this question is for Oracle and I'm using SQL Server. I also would prefer to do this in a SELECT statement (because it'll later be used in a view) rather than having to use temp tables or cursors.

You can use a recursive cte to do this

SQL Fiddle Example

;with cte
(select * from table1
union all
select name, qty - 1
from cte
where qty - 1 > 0

select name from cte
order by name

You could do this with a tally or numbers table also. The problem with a recursive cte like that is that it is really a row by row process under the hood. This approach is 100% set based.

create table #table1
    Name varchar(10),
    Qty int

insert #table1
select 'Joe', 3 union all
select 'Bill', 2 union all
select 'Mike', 4;

    E1(N) AS (select 1 from (values (1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1))dt(n)),
    Numbers(N) AS 

select *
from #table1 t
join numbers n on n.N <= t.Qty

drop table #table1

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