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Update query SQL to update various fields of table?

This is my table:

id    delivery_mode    old_delivery_mode

123   email             sms
126   sms               sms
139   email            facebook
147   facebook          email
198    sms               sms
210   sms               email

I want to update my table field values with these values:


So that:

id    delivery_mode    old_delivery_mode

123   200               100
126   100               100
139   200               300
147   300               200
198   100               100
210   100               200

I want to do this in single sql query.

How can I do it?

SET     delivery_mode =
            WHEN delivery_mode = 'sms' THEN '100'
            WHEN delivery_mode = 'email' THEN '200'
            WHEN delivery_mode = 'facebook' THEN '300'
           WHEN delivery_mode THEN delivery_mode
     old_delivery_mode =
            WHEN old_delivery_mode = 'sms' THEN  '100'
            WHEN old_delivery_mode = 'email' THEN '200'
            WHEN old_delivery_mode = 'facebook' THEN '300'
        WHEN old_delivery_mode THEN old_delivery_mode

Yes, that's possible - you can use INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE.

Using example:

INSERT INTO table (id,Col1,Col2) VALUES (1,1,1),(2,2,3),(3,9,3),(4,10,12)

I found it here

is this what you are looking for?

I am not sure if this is what you want

Update table1 set 
delivery_mode = case delivery_mode when 'sms' then '100' when 'email' then '200' when facebook then '300' end,
old_delivery_mode = case delivery_mode when 'sms' then '100' when 'email' then '200' when facebook then '300' end

Is this you want?

update your_table 
set old_delivery_mode = delivery_mode,
    delivery_mode = 
      case delivery_mode 
        when 'sms' then '100'
        when 'email' then '200'
        when 'facebook' then '300'
where delivery_mode in ('sms','email','facebook')

Tested under sqllite.

The SQL equivalent would be using CASE, like so:

UPDATE myTable
SET delivery_mode = CASE delivery_mode 
      WHEN 'sms' THEN '100'
      WHEN 'email' THEN '200'
      WHEN 'facebook' THEN '300' 
      ELSE delivery_mode END -- ELSE to make sure other values aren't touched
   , old_delivery_mode = CASE old_delivery_mode 
      WHEN 'sms' THEN '100'
      WHEN 'email' THEN '200'
      WHEN 'facebook' THEN '300' 
      ELSE old_delivery_mode END
-- And WHERE to make sure only the applicable rows are updated
WHERE delivery_mode IN ('sms','email','facebook')
OR old_delivery_mode IN ('sms','email','facebook')

There are a few extra checks in there (commented) since we don't know what other values those columns might have, or how many rows from the whole table should be considered for this update.

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