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Import error with Python Django

(Note: I have found a workaround, as stated at the bottom, but it seems like the wrong way to go about this.)

views.py and forms.py are both in




is in Django's "Python Path"

But when attempting

from forms import MyRegistrationForm

in views.py , it results in an ImportError ... No module named 'forms' .

I changed it to

 from django_test.forms import MyRegistrationForm 

but that results in SyntaxError ... invalid syntax .



is a package (it has the empty __init__.py file in it), I thought I could refer to django_test in this way. (It's also the Django project name.)

I can manually add


to the PYTHONPATH environment variable (Windows 7, 32 bit, Django 1.7c2), and get it to work. But since this implies that every Django project must be added to the PYTHONPATH , it seems like it should be able to work without having to do this.

Am I correct? Is there a way to import forms.py from views.py (which is in the same directory) without having to manually add its directory to the PYTHONPATH ?


If it's in the same directory, try a relative import:

from .forms import MyRegistrationForm

EDIT: Someone posted this same suggestion as a comment already. I didn't see the comment.

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