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Initializing the size of a C++ vector

What are the advantages (if any) of initializing the size of a C++ vector as well as other containers? Is there any reason to not just use the default no-arg constructor?

Basically, are there any significant performance differences between

vector<Entry> phone_book;


vector<Entry> phone_book(1000);

These examples come from The C++ Programming Language Third Edition by Bjarne Stroustrup. If these containers should always be initialized with a size, is there a good way to determine what a good size to start off would be?

There are a few ways of creating a vector with n elements and I will even show some ways of populating a vector when you don't know the number of elements in advance.

But first

what NOT to do

std::vector<Entry> phone_book;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    phone_book[i] = entry; // <-- !! Undefined Behaviour !!

The default constructed vector, as in the example above creates an empty vector. Accessing elements outside of the range of the vector is Undefined Behavior. And don't expect to get a nice exception. Undefined behavior means anything can happen: the program might crash or might seem to work or might work in a wonky way. Please note that using reserve doesn't change the actual size of the vector, ie you can't access elements outside of the size of the vector, even if you reserved for them.

And now some options analyzed

default ctor + push_back (suboptimal)

std::vector<Entry> phone_book;
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)

This has the disadvantage that reallocations will occur as you push back elements. This means memory allocation, elements move (or copy if they are non-movable, or for pre c++11) and memory deallocation (with object destruction). This will most likely happen more than once for an n decently big. It is worth noting that it is guaranteed "amortized constant" for push_back which means that it won't do reallocations after each push_back . Each reallocation will increase the size geometrically. Further read: std::vector and std::string reallocation strategy

Use this when you don't know the size in advance and you don't even have an estimate for the size.

"count default-inserted instances of T" ctor with later assignments (not recommended)

std::vector<Entry> phone_book(n);
for (auto& elem : phone_book)
    elem = entry;

This does not incur any reallocation, but all n elements will be initially default constructed, and then copied for each push. This is a big disadvantage and the effect on the performance will most likely be measurable. (this is less noticeable for basic types).

Don't use this as there are better alternatives for pretty much every scenario.

"count copies of elements" ctor (recommended)

std::vector<Entry> phone_book(n, entry);

This is the best method to use. As you provide all the information needed in the constructor, it will make the most efficient allocation + assignment. This has the potential to result in branchless code, with vectorized instructions for assignments if Entry has a trivial copy constructor.

default ctor + reserve + push_back (situational recommended)

vector<Entry> phone_book;

while (some_condition)

// optional

No reallocation will occur and the objects will be constructed only once until you exceed the reserved capacity. A better choice for push_back can be emplace_back .

Use this If you have a rough approximation of the size.

There is no magical formula for the reserve value. Test with different values for your particular scenarios to get the best performance for your application. At the end you can useshrink_to_fit .

default ctor + std::fill_n and std::back_inserter (situational recommended)

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

std::vector<Entry> phone_book;

// at a later time
// phone_book could be non-empty at this time
std::fill_n(std::back_inserter(phone_book), n, entry);

Use this if you need to fill or add elements to the vector after its creation.

default ctor + std::generate_n and std::back_inserter (for different entry objects)

Entry entry_generator();

std::vector<Entry> phone_book;
std::generate_n(std::back_inserter(phone_book), n, [] { return entry_generator(); });

You can use this if every entry is different and obtained from a generator

Intializer list (Bonus)

Since this has become such a big answer, beyond of what the question asked, I will be remised if I didn't mention the initializer list constructor:

std::vector<Entry> phone_book{entry0, entry1, entry2, entry3};

In most scenarios this should be the default go-to constructor when you have a small list of initial values for populating the vector.

Some resources:

std::vector::vector (constructor)


standard algorithm library (with std::generate std::generate_n std::fill std::fill_n etc.)


If you know ahead what the size is, then you should initialize it so that memory is only allocated once. If you only have a rough idea of the size, then instead of allocating the storage as above, you can create the vector with the default constructor and then reserve an amount that is approximately correct; eg

vector<Entry> phone_book();

// add entries dynamically at another point



@juanchopanza makes a good point - if you want to avoid default constructing the objects, then do reserve and use push_back if you have a move constructor or emplace_back to construct directly in place.

You initialize the size when you have a good idea of the number of elements that you need to store in the vector. If you are retrieving data from database or other source for instance that you know has 1000 elements in it then it makes sense to go ahead and allocate the vector with an internal array that will hold that much data. If you don't know up front what the needed size will be then it might be ok to just let the vector grow as needed over time.

The right answer comes down to your application and its specific use case. You can test performance and tweak the sizing as needed. Usually its a good idea to just get things working and then go back and test the affects of these sorts of changes later. A lot of time you'll find that the defaults work just fine.

It is a bad example of Bjarne Stroustrup. Instead of the second definitiona

vector<Entry> phone_book(1000);

it would be much better to write

vector<Entry> phone_book;
phone_book.reserve( 1000 );

There is no general "good ways" to determine what a good size to start off would be. It depends on the information you possess about the task. But in any case you can use some initial allocation if you are sure that new elements will be added to the vector.

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