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Remove click event on last item in ng-repeat

I have an ng-repeat which looks like the following:

    <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-repeat="node in myArray">{{node.name}}</li>

This is great and gives me an <ol> with <li> 's generated from myArray .

However, I want the last item in my ng-repeat to not have the ng-click event, or at least have it disabled. For example:

     <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-repeat="node in myArray">Step 1</li>
     <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-repeat="node in myArray">Step 2</li>
     <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-repeat="node in myArray">Step 3</li>
     <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-repeat="node in myArray">Step 4</li>
     <li class="pointer node-name" ng-repeat="node in myArray">Step 5</li>

Is this even possible? Thanks.

You can use the $last -Property within the ngRepeat to check if it is the last element. Then just place a condition inside your clickhandler...

<li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node, $last)" ng-repeat="node in myArray">Step 5</li>

You can use $index to see with index of the loop into myArray, [0 .. n-1]. And then when $index == myArray.length -1 you can disable the ng-click.

It should be easy enough to disable it.

    <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-disabled="$last" ng-repeat="node in myArray">{{node.name}}</li>

or check if the index is equal to the length of the array minus 1 (last element)

    <li class="pointer node-name" ng-click="myClick(node)" ng-disabled="$index === myArray.length - 1" ng-repeat="node in myArray">{{node.name}}</li>

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