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Remove blank item in ng-repeat

I'm using AngularJS and I have data.json file:

<li ng-repeat="cat in ctrl.getCategories()">
          <input type="checkbox"  name="{{cat}}" ng-model="ctrl.filter[cat]" id='{{$index}}' class='chk-btn styled-checkbox' ng-click="removeAnother();"/>
          <label for='{{$index}}'>{{cat}}</label>

But first item is blank because it has no any categories:


And this is the function:

  function getCategories() {
    return (self.boxes || []).
    map(function (box) { return box.cat1; }).
    filter(function (box, idx, arr) { return arr.indexOf(box) === idx; });


I need remove blank items in ng-repeat. How can I do it? Thanks.

this should work:

function getCategories() {
    return (self.boxes || []).
    filter(function (box) { return box.cat1 !== "" });

use multiple conditions to check the cat1 isn't empty.

function getCategories() {
    return (self.boxes || []).
    map(function (box) { return box.cat1; }).
    filter(function (box, idx, arr) { return arr.indexOf(box) === idx && box !== ''; });    

 var app = angular.module("myApp",[]); app.controller("myCtrl",function($scope){ var self = this; self.getCategories = getCategories; self.boxes = [ {"index":0,"cat1":"","class":"test"}, {"index":0,"cat1":"1","class":"test"}, {"index":0,"cat1":"2","class":"test"}, ] function getCategories() { return (self.boxes || []). map(function (box) { return box.cat1; }). filter(function (box, idx, arr) { return arr.indexOf(box) === idx && box !== ''; }); } }) 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl as ctrl"> <li ng-repeat="cat in ctrl.getCategories()"> <input type="checkbox" name="{{cat}}" ng-model="ctrl.filter[cat]" id='{{$index}}' class='chk-btn styled-checkbox' ng-click="removeAnother();"/> <label for='{{$index}}'>{{cat}}</label> </li> </div> 

There are two options, the one is to use ng-if to hide ng-repeated item if cat is blank:

 <li ng-repeat="cat in ctrl.getCategories()"> <div ng-if="cat"> <input type="checkbox" name="{{cat}}" ng-model="ctrl.filter[cat]" id='{{$index}}' class='chk-btn styled-checkbox' ng-click="removeAnother();"/> <label for='{{$index}}'>{{cat}}</label> </div> </li> 

And the another one is to use the getCategories function to do the filtering:

  function getCategories() { return (self.boxes || []) .map(function (box) { return box.cat1; }). .filter(function (box, idx, arr) { return arr.indexOf(box) === idx && box; }); } 

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