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Sqlalchemy: Using decorator to provide thread-safe session for multiple functions

I am working on something similar like here (multithreaded app with sqlalchemy), so I understood, that I should create a new session for each db-query.

I wonder, if using a decorator for each method, which needs DB-access would make sense, or if there are traps using this approach. The decorator is constructed following the last example here .

def dbconnect(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        session = Session()  # with all the requirements
            func(*args, session=session, **kwargs)
    return inner

def some_function(some, arguments, session)
    session.query(...) # no commit, close, rollback required

some_function("many", "different_arguments") 
#session is not required, since provided by decorator

This would make it comparable easy to provide thread-safe DB-access to any function, without the need of implementing the whole try-except-finally-stuff redundant, but I am not sure, if this approach is fail-safe and pythonic, or if there exists another best-practice.

I think it here would make sense to use a scoped_session , maybe like this:

session_factory = sessionmaker(bind=some_engine)
Session = scoped_session(session_factory)

def dbconnect(func):
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        session = Session()  # (this is now a scoped session)
            func(*args, **kwargs) # No need to pass session explicitly
            Session.remove()  # NOTE: *remove* rather than *close* here
    return inner

def some_function(some, arguments):
    session = Session()
    # 'session' is  now a handle to the *same* session as in the decorator
    session.query(...) # no commit, close, rollback required

some_function("many", "different_arguments") 
#session is not required, since provided by decorator

(Warning: Untested)

Decorators that add arguments are interesting but potentially tricky. The argument list as defined is now out of step with what callers will actually use. If you explicitly pass session=something to this it will raise an exception (though you could check for that in the decorator)

You'll also want to add at least a functools.wraps (granted, this is short sample code).

Transactions are a good use case for context managers. See What's the recommended scoped_session usage pattern in a multithreaded sqlalchemy webapp? for an idea on that.

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