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Insert multiple SQL Queries while in PHP Loop

I am getting data and while in a loop, trying to insert it into a mysql table. The first insert (of many at a time) works, but after the first entry, I get the error for every attempt thereafter in the script.


A new entry has been added with the id of 0.


mysqli::query(): Couldn't fetch mysqli (Which gets repeated several times, from several other query attempts.)


$dom = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXpath($dom);

$data = array();
$rows = $xpath->query('//p[@class="row"]'); // get all rows
foreach($rows as $entries) { // loop each row
    $entry = array();
    $entry['title'] = $xpath->query('./span[@class="txt"]/span[@class="pl"]/a', $entries)->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $entry['link'] = 'http://' . $base_url . $xpath->query('./a[@class="i"]', $entries)->item(0)->getAttribute('href');
    $entry['price'] = $xpath->query('./span[@class="txt"]/span[@class="l2"]/span[1]', $entries)->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $location = $xpath->query('./span[@class="txt"]/span[@class="l2"]/span[2]', $entries)->item(0)->nodeValue;
    $loc = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $location);
    $entry['location'] = $loc;
    $entry['seller'] = $xpath->query('./span[@class="txt"]/span[@class="l2"]/a', $entries)->item(0)->nodeValue;
    //Get Address
    $url2 = $entry['link'];
    $page = file_get_contents($url2);
    $dom2 = new DOMDocument();
    $xpath2 = new DOMXpath($dom2);
    $mapsection = $xpath2->query('//div[@class="mapAndAttrs"]'); 
    $entry['address'] = $xpath2->query('//div[@class="mapAndAttrs"]/div[@class="mapbox"]/div[@class="mapaddress"]')->item(0)->nodeValue;
    //End of Get Address
    $text_node = $xpath->query('./span[@class="txt"]/span[@class="l2"]/span[1]/following-sibling::text()[1]', $entries)->item(0)->nodeValue;
    // remove "/"" and "-""  | explode by space | filter space (now, its left by 2 values: bedroom and size)
    $text_node = array_filter(explode(' ', str_replace(array('/', '-'), '', $text_node)));
    $entry['bedrooms'] = array_shift($text_node); // bedroom
    $entry['dimensions'] = array_shift($text_node); // dimensions

    $data[] = $entry; // after gathering necessary items, assign inside

    //put data into db
    $q = "INSERT INTO `list` (`title`,`price`, `rooms`, `dimensions`, `location`, `address`, `seller`, `href`) VALUES ('".$entry['title']."','".$entry['price']."', '".$entry['bedrooms']."','".$entry['dimensions']."','".$entry['location']."','".$entry['address']."','".$entry['seller']."','".$entry['link']."')";
        if ( $mysqli->query($q) ) {
            echo "A new entry has been added with the `id` of {$mysqli->insert_id}.";
        } else {
            echo "There was a problem:<br />$q<br />{$mysqli->error}";
    //Close it off
echo '<pre>';

I would like somebody to assist me with understanding why all of these queries (after the first one) are unsuccessful. I am trying to get all queries to insert. Thanks for your time!

You're closing your mysql connection a bit too early. It should be

$q = "INSERT INTO `list` (`title`,`price`, `rooms`, `dimensions`, `location`, `address`, `seller`, `href`) VALUES ('".$entry['title']."','".$entry['price']."', '".$entry['bedrooms']."','".$entry['dimensions']."','".$entry['location']."','".$entry['address']."','".$entry['seller']."','".$entry['link']."')";
    if ( $mysqli->query($q) ) {
        echo "A new entry has been added with the `id` of {$mysqli->insert_id}.";
    } else {
        echo "There was a problem:<br />$q<br />{$mysqli->error}";

//Close it off
echo '<pre>';



Proper indenting of code is a great help to see such mistakes quickly.

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