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preg_match_all return empty array

i write php programe for finde .mp3 link from a web site rss

        $con = new SimpleXMLElement('http://www.taktarane.ir/feed',NULL,TRUE);
        foreach ($con->channel->item as $items) {
            $content = $items->children('content', true)->encoded;
            $newReg = "/(http)(s?)(\:\/\/)(www\.)(.{5,120})(\.)(mp3|zip)/i";
            preg_match_all($newReg, $content, $matches, null, 0);
    }catch (Exception $ex){
            echo $ex;

However, it return empty array!!! Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( ) Array ( )

However i test in http://regex101.com/ it has 35 match result !!

Simply leave the 2 last parameters. The parameter flags must not be null, but either PREG_PATTERN_ORDER or PREG_SET_ORDER

  preg_match_all($newReg, $content, $matches);

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