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& W3C validation

I got to improve some website. The W3C validator shows me a problem with & :

& did not start a character reference. ( & probably should have been escaped as & .)

What is weird, in my code I use $amp; :

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Noto+Sans%7COpen+Sans:400,600,700%7COswald&amp;subset=latin,latin-ext" >

I read a lot of articles, support topics, but I can't find the solution. Someone knows the solution?

I put your link in the online W3C validator as follow and it passes. You may need to put more code for us to check it.

<!doctype html>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="//fonts.googleapis.comcss?family=Noto+Sans%7COpen+Sans:400,600,700%7COswald&amp;subset=latin,latin-ext" >

And make sure your link tag is in the header section.

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