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How i can block requests for a specific page?

I would like to completely delete or block access to a specific page in my site.

More specifically, I have seen this exploit " Joomla COM_MEDIA Exploit " : http://all1gat0r.blogspot.gr/2013/08/joomla-commedia-exploit.html

and from what I see, there is the page : /index.php?option=com_media&view=images&tmpl=component&fieldid=&e_name=jform_articletext&asset=com_content&author=&folder=

The exploit does not work on me, but anyway I want to completely remove the above page . How can I do this?

Web Server : Ubuntu 14.04 LTS ( with installed Mod Security2 )
Web Site : Joomla 3.1.5

Is there any single parameter plus value which makes this URL dangerous?

Then you could write a rule using ARGS:parameterName ( https://github.com/SpiderLabs/ModSecurity/wiki/Reference-Manual#ARGS ) to block the request.


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