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Error: Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string

How can I solve this error?

Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string

My SQL code :

   RTRIM(invoiceNo) as [Order No.],
   RTRIM(InvoiceDate) as [Order Date],
   RTRIM(SubTotal) as [SubTotal],
   RTRIM(VATPer) as [Vat+ST %],
   RTRIM(VATAmount) as [VAT+ST Amount],
   RTRIM(DiscountPer) as [Discount %],
   RTRIM(DiscountAmount) as [Discount Amount],
   RTRIM(GrandTotal) as [Grand Total],
   RTRIM(TotalPayment) as [Total Payment],
   RTRIM(PaymentDue) as [Payment Due] 
   InvoiceDate BETWEEN @d1 AND @d2 
   InvoiceDate desc

And I call this using a SqlCommand from C#, adding these parameters:

cmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", SqlDbType.DateTime, 30, "InvoiceDate").Value = dtpInvoiceDateFrom.Value.Date;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", SqlDbType.DateTime, 30, "InvoiceDate").Value = dtpInvoiceDateTo.Value.Date;

I think that you must remove the ".Date" from the values, because DateTimePicker.Value.Date is returning only the date part of the field.

Also you can change the parameters to the following:

cmd.Parameters.Add("@d1", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = dtpInvoiceDateFrom.Value;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@d2", SqlDbType.DateTime).Value = dtpInvoiceDateTo.Value;

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