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Table structure for Geo Spatial Data

What is the suggested way to structure a table in a MYSQL Database containing Geo Spatial data. As a POC i am working to insert the data as in the image as below into a database table.


This below is the snapshot of the table creation of Phpmyadmin table creation


looking for suggestions to create table for geospatial data as in screenshots.

EDIT: I am working on XAMPP V1.8.3 Windows8 running MYSQL version 5.6.16. Created Table geomduplicate and columns and inserted data as in screenshot with the below sql

CREATE TABLE geomduplicate1(
latitude NUMERIC(9,6), 
longitude NUMERIC(10,6),
city VARCHAR(10),
state VARCHAR(2),
county VARCHAR(9)
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES
REPLACE INTO geomduplicate1(zip,latitude,longitude,city,state,county) VALUES

and the data was successfully inserted in mysql database.

Store it is as a geometry data type . MySQL supports Geometry (generic), as well as Point, Linestring and Polygon data types, see creating spatial data types . A single longitude or latitude value can not be a geometry on its own, as you have it in your screen shot.

If you go the route of using geometry types, it gives you two advantages over having separate latitude and longitude fields: you can add a spatial index and you will be able to use some of MySQL's spatial operator functions such as ST_Buffer, ST_Intersects, ST_Distance to do further analysis. Spatial indexes are based on R-trees and will perform far better than two B-tree indexes on non spatial columns, latitude and longitude -- and this performance difference will grow as your table size grows.

You can still get the latitude and longitude values back by using the X and Y point functions so you will not lose anything by storing your data as a Point.

If you already have your data in two separate lat/lon columns, and you want to go the geometry/point datatype route, you can use the Point function to create the Point datatype:

alter table mytable add column pt POINT;
update mytable set pt=Point(longitude, latitude);
alter table mytable modify pt POINT NOT NULL;
create spatial index ix_spatial_mytable_pt ON mytable(pt);

Note that the Point function was only introduced in MySQL 5.1.x (it isn't too well documented, so I'm not sure of exact version), and before that you had to use concat with the GeomFromText function, see Moving lat/lon text columns into a 'point' type column for some more information on this, although note that Quassnoi's answer has lon and lat the wrong way round -- it is Point(lon, lat) not the other way, though this is a very common mistake.

NOTE: Until recently, you could only index a spatial column if using the MyISAM engine.

EDIT: In the upcoming release, MySQL 5.7.5 , InnoDB will finally support indexes on spatial data types (and not just store spatial types without an index, which is considerably less useful). This means you can have foreign keys, ACID guarantees, spatial indexes all in one engine, which has been a long time in coming.

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