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Fatal Error class not found

Good night.

Please excuse me for my english, I'm from Costa Rica...

I am working with PHP POO and I have a problem.

The error is the next:

Fatal error: Class 'mysql' not found in /home/casa/public_html/guaria/clases/verificaSesion.php on line 15

All my .php files are in the "clases" folder.


* Clase de MySQL
class mysql
    private $con;
    private $res;
    private $reg;
    public function conecta()
        $con = mysqli_connect("localhost","root","casa","trabajo1");
        if (!$con) {
            echo "Error al conectar a base de datos".mysqli_error();
        mysqli_query($con, "SET NAMES'utf8'");
        $this->con = $con;
    public function consulta($sql)
        $res = mysqli_query($this->con,$sql);
        $this->res = $res;
    public function devuelve()
        $reg = mysqli_fetch_assoc($this->res);
        return $reg;
    public function desconecta()
require_once 'acciones.php';

And this is my verificaSesion.php file:

require_once 'conexion.php';

* Clase de Verificación de Sesión
class verificaSesion
    public $mysql;
    public $usuario;
    public $password;
    public $direccion;
    function __construct($direccion)
        $this->mysql = new mysql();
        $this->usuario = $_COOKIE["usuario"];
        $this->password = $_COOKIE["password"];
        $this->direccion = $direccion;
    public function verifica()
        $res = $this->mysql->consulta("select count(*) as total from usuarios where usuario='".$this->usuario."' and password='".$this->password."'");
        $reg = $this->mysql->devuelve();
        $tot = $reg["total"];
        if ($tot == 1) {
            return 1;
        } else {
            return 2;
    public function obtiene()
        $res = $this->mysql->consulta("select * from usuarios where usuario='".$this->usuario."'");
        $reg = $this->mysql->devuelve();
        return $reg;
    public function redirecciona()
        header("Location: ".$this->direccion);
    public function ejecuta()
        if ($this->verifica() == 1) {
            return $this->obtiene();
        } else {

Both files are in the same folder so I dont understand the problem...

Thank you

The reason for this is because mysql is a reserved keyword for the mysql connection library.

How to Fix It:

Just use a different name

Ok, I finally make my code Work. By the way I can create a class called mysql because mysql function is not a class like mysqli. if it could not create a class called mysql it would show an error like:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class mysql

But it doesn't..

The solution was to change the require_once in verificaSesion.php to:

require_once 'clases/conexion.php';

I dont really understand why, because both files verificaSesion and conexion are in the same folder but it works... Anyway, thank you for the help!

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