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Jar Applet in HTML

I've seen topics like this alraedy, but its not working for me.

So I have a game that succesfully made into an applet and it has many classes that are in a package called Build9. I want to put it on my website.

My file structure is the html file in the root "Desktop/My Name" and I have a media folder that has the RomanFury.jar.

I've tried every combination of changing around the code and archive in the HTML tag. With the classic:

<applet code="Main" archive="RomanFury.jar" width="1280" height="720">
My game.

I get an error that says it cannot find Main. If I put media/RomanFury.jar or put media/ infront of main the same kind of error is given.

Can someone tell me the correct html tag?

My .class files are in a folder called "Build9" in RomanFury.jar.

Based on the information provided, this

<applet code="Main" archive="RomanFury.jar" width="1280" height="720">

should be

<applet code="Build9.Main" archive="RomanFury.jar" width="1280" height="720">

because your game has many classes that are in a package called Build9 (and your .class files are in a folder called "Build9" in RomanFury.jar).

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