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Inheritance through template specialization

Recently I found a case where is was easier to do a template specialization instead of real inheritance. The derived classes just had to implement a pure virtual function and had no own members. It was something like:

#include <iostream>

class Interface {
    virtual void calculate() = 0;
    virtual float getResult() = 0;

class Base : public Interface {
    float result;
    Base() : result(1) {};
    virtual ~Base() {};

    virtual void calculate();
    virtual float getValue() = 0; // do some very complex calculation here

    float getResult() { return result; }

class DerivedA : public Base {
    DerivedA() : Base() {};
    ~DerivedA() {};

    float getValue();

class DerivedB : public Base {
    DerivedB() : Base() {};
    ~DerivedB() {};

    float getValue();

void Base::calculate() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        result += getValue();

float DerivedA::getValue() {
    return 1;

float DerivedB::getValue() {
    return 1.1;

int main() {
    Interface * a = new DerivedA();

    Interface * b = new DerivedB();

    std::cout << "Result A: " << a->getResult() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Result B: " << b->getResult() << std::endl;

    delete a;
    delete b;

This can be written as specialized templates as:

#include <iostream>

class Interface {
    virtual void calculate() = 0;
    virtual float getResult() = 0;

template<typename T>
class Base : public Interface {
    float result;
    Base() : result(1) {};

    void calculate();
    float getValue(); // do some very complex calculation here

    float getResult() { return result; };

typedef Base<int>   DerivedA; // actually int and float are only examples
typedef Base<float> DerivedB; // and may be some much more complex types!

template<typename T>
void Base<T>::calculate() {
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        result += getValue();

template<typename T>
float Base<T>::getValue() {
    return 0;

float Base<int>::getValue() {
    return 1;

float Base<float>::getValue() {
    return 1.1;

int main() {
    Interface * a = new DerivedA();

    Interface * b = new DerivedB();

    std::cout << "Result A: " << a->getResult() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Result B: " << b->getResult() << std::endl;

    delete a;
    delete b;

Both examples give the same results, I guess the second one is faster as no virtual tables need to be evaluated (the methods getValue() may even be inlined in the second case).

So my question is: What are the limits of using template specialization instead of inheritance? Are there any side effects I haven't seen? Any benefits of inheritance over template specialization? I know that I can't create new members and methods for specialized classes as I can do for derived. But can this be a general, more performant approach for such use cases where I only need to implement some type-specific code?

Btw: Is there a name for this pattern?

Templates and Inheritance are not interchangeable.

  • Templates express static polymorphism (ie polymorphism at compile-time)

  • Inheritance allows runtime polymorphism : you can manipulate Base class pointers and expect the runtime to call the correct virtual function for you.

Whit your templates approach, what if you want to manipulate a container of Base<> objects (eg std::vector<Base<??>> ) and call calculate() on them ? You can't.

So although both inheritance and templates express interfaces and polymorphism, they really are different beasts: choosing one over the other depend on your context, and how your types are going to be used.


Performance considerations should not alter this choice

When using superclasses and subclasses, either DerivedA or DerivedB can be passed to a non-templated function or a method that takes a Base class instance.

void method(Base &base)
    // ...

The major limitation of the template-based approach is that this is no longer possible. method() will also have to be a template:

template<typename T>
void method(Base<T> &base)
    // ...

If method() is large, there's going to be quite a code bloat, here.

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