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Arguments are not passing into command prompt

string appPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()));

Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", @"/c opencvproject.exe " + @appPath + @"\\bin\\Debug\\center\\centerilluminate.jpg");


I tried this at my other computer and it works , however when I tried it in my new computer this doesn't work somehow. Anyone knows how to solve this? The program I am using is c# and im calling cmd to call c++ program which is opencvproject.exe

There are still multiple instances where I use cmd to trigger other c++ program and python scripts to run and those are not working too. I am not sure what am I doing wrong..

Hold the path between double quotation.

p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/c opencvproject.exe \"" + appPath + "\\bin\\Debug\\center\\centerilluminate.jpg\"");


Character combinations consisting of a backslash () followed by a letter or by a combination of digits are called "escape sequences."

@ makes escape sequence no effect, so..

var s1 = @"\\bin\\Debug\\";  // This contains wrong path \\bin\\Debug\\
var s2 = "\\bin\\Debug\\";   // This contains right path \bin\Debug\

And need using escape sequence to hold the double quotation between double quotation.

var s3 = "\"\\bin\\Debug\\\"";  // This contains "\bin\Debug\"
var s4 = @"\"\\bin\\Debug\\\"";  // compile error 

The @ character automatically escapes characters in the string behind it, so you shouldn't double backslash your path.

Eg, where you have:

it should either be:

"\\\\bin\\\\debug\\\\.." (without the @)

Also, if your apppath contains spaces, then you should surround the entire string with " characters

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