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Ordering query by divide two numbers in Sql Server

I've got Sql Server Query like this:

Select       * 
             ,Cast(Column1 as float) as Column1Convert
             ,Cast(Column2 as float) as Column2Convert
             ,Column1Convert/Colun2Convert AS [Result] 
From         MyTable 
Order By     Points DESC, Result ASC

But I'am receiving error: "Invalid column name 'Column1Convert'." and second error: "Invalid column name 'Column2Convert'."

Could You tell me what I'am doing wrong ?

This is because you are using aliases in the same level of the query which is not allowed. Try:

Select       * 
             ,Cast(Column1 as float) as Column1Convert
             ,Cast(Column2 as float) as Column2Convert
             ,Cast(Column1 as float)/Cast(Column2 as float) AS [Result] 
From         MyTable 
Order By     Points DESC, Result ASC

Try this:

    Points, Result, Column1Convert, Column2Convert, 
    Column1Convert/Colun2Convert AS [Result]
    Select       * 
                 ,Cast(Column1 as float) as Column1Convert
                 ,Cast(Column2 as float) as Column2Convert
    From         MyTable 
Order By    
    Points DESC, 
    (Column1Convert/Colun2Convert) ASC

In SQL Server there is another way to access field aliases for reuse (aside from nested query)

    , ca.Column1Convert
    , ca.Column2Convert
    , ca.Column1Convert / ca.Colun2Convert AS [Result]
FROM MyTable
                        CAST(Column1 AS float) AS Column1Convert
                      , CAST(Column2 AS float) AS Column2Convert
            ) AS ca
      Points DESC
      , [Result] ASC

If available to you, you may want to use TRY_CAST() instead of CAST()

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