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How configure route in ASP.MVC to have more actions in the url?

In the ASP.MVC I am developing I neet to have more than one action in the url.

This is an example


How can i configure the routes and the action methods to achieve this?

In this case I expected the action Milestone in the ReleaseController is the one that get called, with three input id:

public class ReleaseController : Controller
    public ActionResult Milestone(int releaseID, int actionID, int secondaryID)

EDIT: Thank you @Mati Cicero to pointing me to the right direction. I followed his solution making also url a little more "dynamic". This is my final code, maybe can be useful also for someone else:

                name: "ReleaseSection",
                url: "Release/{releaseId}/{action}/{actionID}/{subAction}/{thirdID}",
                defaults: new
                    controller = "Release",
                    action = "Index",
                    releaseId = UrlParameter.Optional,
                    actionID = UrlParameter.Optional,
                    subAction = UrlParameter.Optional,
                    thirdID = UrlParameter.Optional

public ActionResult Milestone(int? releaseId, int? actionID, string subAction, int? thirdID)

I did not test this, but did you try the following route?

Url : BaseUrl/Release/{releaseID}/Milestone/{actionID}/Feature/{secondaryID}

Defaults : new { controller = "Release", action = "Milestone" }

Constraints : new { releaseID = "\\\\d+", actionID = "\\\\d+", secondaryID = "\\\\d+" }

The MVC engine should map the route segments to you action's arguments

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