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How can I Retrieve a List of All Table Names from a SQL Server CE database?

Is there some SQL that will either return a list of table names or (to cut to the chase) that would return a boolean as to whether a tablename with a certain pattern exists?

Specifically, I need to know if there is a table in the database named INV[Bla] such as INVclay , INVcherri , INVkelvin , INVmorgan , INVgrandFunk , INVgobbledygook , INV2468WhoDoWeAppreciate , etc. (the INV part is what I'm looking for; the remainder of the table name could be almost anything).

IOW, can "wildcards" be used in a SQL statement, such as:

SELECT * tables 
FROM database 
WHERE tableName = 'INV*'

or how would this be accomplished?

This should get you there:

 where table_name LIKE '%INV%'

EDIT: fixed table_name

To check for exists:


-- note that the sql compiler knows that it just needs to check for existence, so this is a case where "select *" is just fine

if exists (select * from [sys].[tables] where upper([name]) like N'INV%') select N'do something appropriate because there is a table based on this pattern';


SELECT name FROM sys.tables where name LIKE 'INV%';

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