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Running PHP scripts directly with php.exe

I'm trying to run a PHP script through PHP.exe. The script connects to a MSSQL server and inserts some data, that I should be able to see from a php page through the browser. The issue is, sometimes the script runs fine and data is created, sometimes nothing happens.

This is the script file:

    $insquery = "INSERT INTO Messaggi (Object, Text, user_ID, isRead, Time) "
            . "VALUES ('Title', 'Text', 5, 'FALSE', CONVERT(datetime, GETDATE(), 120))";
    $ins = sqlsrv_query($conn, $insquery)
            or die(print_r(array(sqlsrv_errors())));

This is the default_code.php file, containing the connection string for the database:

    $conn = sqlsrv_connect( '(localdb)\v11.0', array('AttachDBFileName'=>'C:\SIAtest\Database\SIAtest.mdf','Database'=>'SIAtest'))
        or die ("Connection problem: " . print_r(array(sqlsrv_errors())));

It should be a fairly simple task, I just can't understand why the script does not always properly run.

try to change your code for next script file

    $insquery = "INSERT INTO Messaggi (Object, Text, user_ID, isRead, Time) "
            . "VALUES ('Title', 'Text', 5, 'FALSE', CONVERT(datetime, GETDATE(), 120))";
    $ins = sqlsrv_query($conn, $insquery);
    if ($ins === false){


    $conn = sqlsrv_connect( '(localdb)\v11.0', array('AttachDBFileName'=>'C:\SIAtest\Database\SIAtest.mdf','Database'=>'SIAtest'));
    if ($conn === false){
        die ("Connection problem: " . print_r(array(sqlsrv_errors())));

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