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How can sqoop automatically trim some char-type-columns from db2 when importing data to hive?

I have a so big db2 table which contains many char type columns.

I try to extract datas to hive via sqoop to fullfill different demands.

In the past time, I manually trim all the char type colums when write Hivesql

However, there are so many colums to trim that I always forget some of them which may result some confused issues like following:

suppose BANK_TABLE is the target table of hive,and 2323423232323 is an existing card number in the table.

if I execute:

hive -e "select * from BANK_TABLE where card_no='2323423232323' "

The result is nothing owning to I forget to trim the column: card_no when I write sql to import data to hive.

So I wonder is there a good way for sqool or for hive to do the 'trim' automatically?

Thank you all!

Try importing data using Fee Form Query in Sqoop. Within query, use TRIM.

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