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Find out all possible combinations of a 2D boolean array given some criteria (using Java)

Say there's a 2d boolean array

boolean[][] = {  x  x  x  x  x  x  x
                 x  x  x  x  x  x  x
                 x  x  x  x  x  x  x
                 x  x  x  x  x  x  x  }


  1. Each column must have 2 'true'
  2. Each row cannot have more than 4 'true'

For example a solution can be:

boolean[][] = {  T  T  T  T  F  F  F
                 T  T  T  T  F  F  F
                 F  F  F  F  T  T  T
                 F  F  F  F  T  T  T  }

Another one:

boolean[][] = {  T  F  T  F  F  T  T
                 F  T  T  T  F  F  F
                 F  F  F  T  T  T  F
                 T  T  F  F  T  F  T  }

How to write a recursive function to find out all possible combinations given the two criteria above?

I wish I can show something that I tried, but I don't even know how to start. I tried to solve this by using object oriented way, by creating class for the row or column but doesn't seem to help simplifying it since the rows and columns are closely affecting each other.

Thanks in advance!

static final int NB_ROWS = 4;
static final int NB_COLUMNS = 7;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    boolean[][] initialState = new boolean[NB_ROWS][NB_COLUMNS];
    //everything is initialize to false
    System.out.println(algo(initialState, 0, 0, 0));


//path: column by column
public static int algo(boolean[][] state, int currentRow, int currentColumn, int acc) {
    if(currentColumn == NB_COLUMNS) { //end of the array reached
        return acc + 1;
    if(currentRow == NB_ROWS) { //end of the column reached
        if(checkColumn(state, currentColumn)) { //the current column meets requirements
            return algo(state, 0, currentColumn+1, acc);
        } else {
            return acc;
    state[currentRow][currentColumn] = true; //try with true at the given coordinates
    if(checkRow(state, currentRow)) { //current row meets the requirements
        acc += algo(state, currentRow+1, currentColumn, 0); //start with a fresh counter
    state[currentRow][currentColumn] = false; //try with false at the given coordinates
    // no need to check row with a false value
    return algo(state, currentRow+1, currentColumn, acc);

public static boolean checkColumn(boolean[][] state, int currentColumn) {
    int count = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<NB_ROWS; i++) {
    return count == 2;

public static boolean checkRow(boolean[][] state, int currentRow) {
    int count = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<NB_COLUMNS; i++) {
    return count <= 5;

I put some comments in the code to explain what I am doing, but with english words.

At any given point in a recursive call: try to put T in cell (p,q). If it does not break a row condition, call the algorithm on cell (p+1,q). After, in both cases, put a F in cell (p,q) and calls the algorithm on cell (p+1,q).

When calling the algorithm on cell (p,q), first check that the coordinates are inside the array. If p is greater than the row number, check that the column condition is met, and calls the algorithm on cell (0,q+1). If q is greater than the column number, you have reach the end of the array, and you just return the accumulator (number of "winning" situation already found) + 1.

Tested for 3 rows and 4 columns, it returns 81 = 3*3*3*3, which is indeed the good result (3 possibilities for each column, and no row constraints since 4 < 5).

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