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REGEX to target all text between two words including the words

I have a WordPress function which I would like a part of the intercept to be removed. Right now the bellow code works 100% only problem is the text isn't static so I need to make a range for it to work on all pots.

This is the code bellow:

    function trim_excerpt($text)
    return str_replace('Samurai Swords, Ninja Napkins, Samurai Dishes, Art Plates:,', ' ', $text);
add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'trim_excerpt');

I tried to make a regex to capture all the text Starting from Samurai Swords, until Plates: but I couldn't as I do not know regEx.

(The only standard words will be the Samurai Swords and Art Plates, all the rest can change. That is why I have the word range Samurai Swords -> Plates)

Any help possible?

You could use the below regex to capture all the text starting from Samurai Swords to Art Plates: . [\\S\\s]*? matches any space or non-space characters zero or more times(non-greedy).


Use preg_replace() here instead.

$text = preg_replace('/Samurai\s*Swords.*?Art\s*Plates:/s', '', $text);

This will match everything from "Samurai" to "Plates:" and replace it with an empty value.

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