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Debug Ionic app on IOS?

My HTML5 app is packaged by Ionic (using Cordova) and loads onto my iPhone like a normal app.

Can I debug whilst connected to the device? I know with Android you have logcat and in the browser I have dev tools but there are differences between the app on device and the browser and I want to know why.

Any help appreciated.


There are three primary options.

  1. Debug using Safari. This is good for debugging a hybrid app, but cannot tell you output related to native plugins. http://webdesign.tutsplus.com/articles/quick-tip-using-web-inspector-to-debug-mobile-safari--webdesign-8787
  2. Open the project and build to device in Xcode. This shows the output of the entire device http://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/3.5.0/guide_platforms_ios_index.md.html#iOS%20Platform%20Guide
  3. Debug with Ionic CLI. Using ionic run ios -l -c -s with the flags will use live reload and print the logs to the console. http://ionicframework.com/blog/live-reload-all-things-ionic-cli/

Similar to the first answer, here's how I debug on iOS.

ionic emulate ios -lc

Which runs app using simulator and outputs console logs and errors to terminal with live reloading.

i'm using ionic 2 and typescript. you can use debugger keyword to debug on ios like this:


then open safari -> developer -> simulate -> index.html, good luck


You can use Visual Studio Code with the following extension: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vsmobile.cordova-tools

Regards, Nicholls

我还要补充一点,在Ionic 1.2中,您可以通过ionic serveionic emulate在Terminal中获得控制台/错误输出。

只是一个更新,来自 OSX: ionic serve ios -l -c -s

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