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Extracting data from javascript

I am pretty new to xml, I am using testcomplete with Javascript. I have nested xml i am pasting a small part below.

I would like to extract rownumber and column code when rowtype category = "ExitRow" occupation is free Marketing seat type is E .

<Row rowNumber="011">
                        <RowType category="ExitRow"/>
                        <Seat occupation="Free" columnCode="A">
                            <MarketingSeatType category="E"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="E"/>
                        <Seat occupation="Free" columnCode="B">
                            <MarketingSeatType category="E"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1A"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1B"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="E"/>
                        <Seat occupation="Free" columnCode="C">
                            <MarketingSeatType category="E"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1A"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1B"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="E"/>
                        <Seat occupation="Free" columnCode="D">
                            <MarketingSeatType category="E"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1A"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1B"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="E"/>
                        <Seat occupation="Free" columnCode="E">
                            <MarketingSeatType category="E"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1A"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1B"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="E"/>
                        <Seat occupation="Free" columnCode="F">
                            <MarketingSeatType category="E"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1A"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="1B"/>
                                <PhysicalSeatType category="E"/>

I have wrote some code to open xml in test complete but not sure is this correct.

Doc = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
 Doc.async = false;

Node = Doc.documentElement;

The best way is to use XPath. You can find a lot of examples in this MSDN article .

Here is the code that should work for you:

function test()
  var Doc = Sys.OleObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.4.0");
  Doc.async = false;

  var row = Doc.selectSingleNode('//Row[RowCharacteristics/RowType/@category="ExitRow"]');
  var rowNumber = row.getAttribute("rowNumber");
  Log.Message("Row number is " + rowNumber);

  var cCodes = row.selectNodes('Seats/Seat[@occupation="Free" and MarketingSeatType/@category="E"]/@columnCode');
  for (var i = 0; i < cCodes.length; i++)
    Log.Message("Column code is " + cCodes.item(i).value);

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