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Search string, print line after string is found with further formatting perl

I am currently trying to write a script that determines what is wrong with a website on the server. I am stuck on a variable I am trying to create

my documentroot = 

The document root appears in the apache configuration file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf and looks like this:

    ServerName lernperl.com
    ServerAlias www.lernperl.com
    DocumentRoot /home/lernperl/public_html

So, basically I decided to use my domain variable $host which will be the domain and search for www.$domain.com , however it is the next line that is important to me. Ideally, I want /home/lernperl/public_html put into a scalar. It seems easy but I have been looking so long for an answer. I appreciate any help! I didn't get very far.

open (configuration_file, "/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf");
my @list1 = <configuration_file>;close configuration_file;

The best way to achieve what you are trying to do is to use a regular expression to capture the text that follows "DocumentRoot". To set the contents of a variable using the results of a regular expression, you can do the following:

if ($line =~ /DocumentRoot (.*?)$/) {
    my $variable = $1;

More information on perl regular expressions in perl regular expressions tutorial .

Apache config files may contain more than one DocumentRoot and ServerName so your script will need to handle this situation.

Good luck.

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