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Python Py2app packaging directories

am getting an error about calling a method from a group of python files bundled with py2app

(1) I have read various info on the py2app importing large directories or package groups etc. but it seems to have problems interacting with said files. I hard coded each file to be included via my setup, however it still says it can't call a function from my file 'random.py' which generates its own script to run through 'happy.py' <- it runs perfectly on its own and all the dependencies are correct (imports from etc.)

(2) to make this even more complex the app is run 100% via terminal so I'm not sure if I will just need to send people the .exe in order to use since I assume py2app will just run the script without any options for user input..

This is a setup.py script generated by py2applet

    python setup.py py2app

from setuptools import setup

APP = ['happy.py']
DATA_FILES = ['happy.pyc',
OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True}

    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},
    py_modules=['random', 'screener', '__init__','happy',],


ERROR OUT(given by .exe inside of .app, since .app runs a console error 255 with 0 info) 

                                                      | | _____   _____| | / |
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>: | |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ | | |
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>: | |  __/\ V /  __/ | | |
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>: |_|\___| \_/ \___|_| |_|
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>: 
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>: Traceback (most recent call last):
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:   File "/Users/random/Desktop/bla/dist/happy.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 373, in <module>
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:     _run()
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:   File "/Users/random/Desktop/bla/dist/happy.app/Contents/Resources/__boot__.py", line 358, in _run
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:     exec(compile(source, path, 'exec'), globals(), globals())
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:   File "/Users/random/Desktop/bla/dist/happy.app/Contents/Resources/happy.py", line 275, in <module>
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:     print testone()
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:   File "/Users/random/Desktop/bla/dist/happy.app/Contents/Resources/happy.py", line 52, in testone
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>:     from random import function
Sep  9 04:39:12 softroot.local happy[39888] <Notice>: ImportError: cannot import name function

Is random.py a custom script written by you, or is it the module from Pyhton standard?

Have you tried to copy the random.py from the resulting application package, import random , check random.__file__ to make sure it is this one, and the try to execute the line with problems from random import function ?

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